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/social assistance program «dobry start». who can use this program and what are the conditions?

Social assistance program «Dobry Start». Who can use this program and what are the conditions?

It is no secret that Poland has a well-developed system of social programs with financial assistance for both citizens and foreigners. One of these programs is called «Dobry Start» or as people call it simply «300+».

Do you want to know how to get financial assistance in the form of 300 PLN in Poland? In this article we will introduce you to the social program «Dobry Start», tell you about all its nuances and, of course, provide a step-by-step guide to participate in this program. Enjoy the article!


What is the essence of «Dobry Start» program?

«Dobry Start» is a social program, which already indicates that it provides assistance to those who need it. We have already told you about a social program called «RODZINA 500+», which you can read more about here.

The «Dobry Start» program is created to help parents cover the costs of buying school supplies, school uniforms and other necessary things that a schoolchild needs for the whole year. This program is state funded and it is also often referred to in Poland as the «300+» program. Why? Because it provides a one-time aid of 300 PLN.


Who is intended for the «Dobry Start» program?

This aid is intended for students up to the age of 20, and persons with disabilities can count on such aid up to the age of 24. IMPORTANT: the «300+» program does not apply to children attending preparatory courses and similar institutions, including zlobek, przedszkole and zerówka. Also, this aid is not intended for university and college students, it is only for students of Polish schools.

It does not matter what school the child is studying in, whether it is a private or public school. The level of knowledge and grades of the child's studies are also irrelevant in receiving the aid.


Terms of application for «Dobry Start» assistance

As a rule, you can apply for PLN 300 from 1 July to 30 November inclusive. However, we strongly advise you not to delay this process and to apply already in July, because submitting such an application in July or August guarantees that you will receive the money no later than 30 September.

If you apply in September, October or November, you will receive the promised money within two months of submitting your application.


Persons who can apply for «Dobry Start» assistance

Most importantly, the «Dobry Start» social program is designed not only for citizens of the Republic of Poland, but also for foreigners. Here is a complete list of those who are eligible to apply for financial assistance:

  • Citizens of the European Union, the Common Economic Space and Switzerland;

  • Foreigners residing in Poland on the basis of humanitarian visas;

  • Citizens of Ukraine who have issued a PESEL;

  • Foreigners legally residing in Poland on the basis of a residence card with the right to work in Poland.

An application can be submitted by a parent, guardian or even the child himself or herself if the child is over 18 years of age and has no parents. Financial assistance is paid regardless of the income and status of the parents.


Applying for financial assistance under the «Dobry Start» program

It is very easy and quick to apply for funds online, and you can do it yourself. You can apply for financial assistance via:

  • Official portal of ZUS PUE;

  • Electronic banking (PKO, Pekao, mBank, ING and other Polish banks are suitable);

  • Emp@tia portal.

While submitting the application form, you need to attach scanned copies of certain documents, namely:

  • Parents' documents (passport and residence card);

  • Children's documents (birth certificate/passport);

  • The exact name of the school where the child is studying;

  • Social insurance;

  • Bank account number to which the financial aid will be credited.

At the end of the application, you need to put your electronic signature (we talked about this in our article). The money can only be received on your card, cash assistance is not available. If you are still thinking about whether to take part in this social program, we recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity. It won't take you 20 minutes to complete the application, and 300 PLN will never be too much.


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