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/obtaining a pesel number for foreigners in 2023-2024: recommendations, nuances and difficulties

Obtaining a PESEL number for foreigners in 2023-2024: recommendations, nuances and difficulties

If you are only planning to visit Poland for a month or two, getting a PESEL number may seem unnecessary and will only add to your headache. It may seem so at first, but for those who are planning a long stay (starting from three months or more) in Poland or even doing business remotely, having a PESEL becomes a must. Let us have a look at what a PESEL number is, what documents are required, how long the process takes, what are the pitfalls, and what to pay attention to when you apply for one.

PESEL number (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is a unique identification code assigned to each resident of Poland and foreigners residing permanently in the country. The PESEL is 11 digits and consists of the date of birth, a series of documents, a person's gender and a control number. It plays an important role in various aspects of life in Poland. The main purposes for obtaining this document can be distinguished:

  • employment (if potential employers promise you a job without PESEL, you can run away from such employers straight away)

  • obtaining health care services. For example, even to register with the Polish health care system (nacionalny fundusz zdrowia), you will be required to have a PESEL number

  • opening an account at a Polish bank (in 90% of cases you will not open an account at a bank without this number)

  • reporting in tax declarations

  • insurance arrangements

  • carrying business remotely, including the use of a digital signature through the ePUAP portal


What is necessary to apply for PESEL for a foreigner in 2023?

To obtain a PESEL number as a foreigner in 2023, you will need the following documentation:

First, you must have a valid passport or other identification document.

Next, you will need proof of residence in Poland, which may well be an umova najmu rental contract. A little tip - if you live in Poland for less than three months, you can ask your friends to include you in the contract for a token amount. That way you get meldunek, the details of how and what you need for that are described in our article. The proof of residence in Poland may be a certificate from your employer or a confirmation from your school. You will also need a residence permit in order to register your PESEL number, but you will get one on the basis of a rental agreement.

Polish law is unreasonably bureaucratic, it shows that each urząd in its region works according to its own rules, although the standards are the same for all. For example, today 70% of the time, when you rent a flat under contract, you will be asked to sign an umowu okazjionalnu agreement through a notary, while in the case of renting a room there is a 50% chance of this happening. This is evidenced by rental demand reports on

You will also need an application form filled in on site at one of the PESEL outlets.

Obtaining a PESEL number for foreigners is as follows

Document preparation. Gather the necessary documents, including a passport or identity document and proof of residency.

Visit to the PESEL processing point. Visit the nearest city administration office in your city. A list of administrations, urzad, gmina and dzielnicy can be found on the official website. Present your documents on site and fill in an application form |wniosek o wydanie numeru pesel.

Registration in the system. After you submit your application and documents, your details will be checked and registered in the PESEL system. You will be given a card or a paper document with your PESEL number.


How to apply for PESEL remotely? 4 relevant ways in 2023

There are currently four working options for applying for PESEL remotely. These options are particularly suitable for those who have very little time or who are far away.

First method. Sending all the necessary documents by post. In such a case, you need to collect all the above-mentioned documents and have a copy of your passport notarised. Download the application form from and fill it in. Next, send the set of documents to your local branch of the gmiany or powiata. You will be able to receive a reply from the state authorities by e-mail.

Second method. PESEL registrations through a person of attorney. You make the power of attorney out to someone you know or a professional in the jurisdiction who is handling your case. Remember that our agency is ready to help you and take over the PESEL registration as soon as possible.

Third method. PESEL processing via the ePUAP online platform is only for residents of the European Union*. All you have to do is register on this portal, upload your documents and wait for the result. In addition to PESEL, it is also possible to obtain a residence permit in this way. Fourth method. Registration through a notary. You will need your passport, or a notarised copy of your passport. You will also need a handwritten power of attorney for the notary.


What should you know about applying for PESEL for Ukrainians?

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the brotherly Polish people have started to help Ukrainians and offer all kinds of assistance. Refugees from Ukraine can receive social assistance, financial benefits (500+ PLN), free medical services and much more. But what is needed for that?

Those Ukrainians who want to receive aid in Poland must apply for Temporary Protection within a month of their arrival in the country. It is worth mentioning that previously this period was longer - 90 days, but since 2023 changes have come into force. Today obtaining a PESEL code is mandatory for all refugees. A special advantage for the Ukrainians is that the PESEL for refugees is issued absolutely free of charge and is done directly on the spot. You need to bring with you:

  • Passport or other document that officially proves your identity

  • 3.5 x 4.5 cm color photograph (must be recent, not older than 6 months)

Fingerprints will also have to be taken and if the child is under 12 years old this procedure will not be necessary. There is a separate form for issuing a PESEL code for Ukrainians. You can leave Poland with a Pesel, but you will have to give up financial assistance for refugees. This is to prevent you from receiving financial benefits in two or more countries.


How long does it take to get a PESEL?

The good news for those who do not like to wait long - the process of obtaining a PESEL number usually takes no more than one day. The process itself takes no more than 10 minutes and you will receive a stamped form with your PESEL number. Afterwards, you do not need to take the form with you; you only need to remember or write down the number yourself. In some cases, it may take longer, especially if you apply during peak season or in a large city such as Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz and others. It is important to bear in mind that without having a PESEL, some important actions, such as opening a bank account or receiving social benefits, may be difficult.


What problems can you face and what should you pay attention to when applying for PESEL?

There may be some problems and difficulties in obtaining a PESEL number. For example, filling in the application incorrectly or missing the necessary documents may result in delays or refusal to obtain a PESEL. It is therefore advisable to check all requirements and documents carefully before visiting the city office.


Why can you trust us?

We provide professional assistance, reducing the time and simplifying the procedure for obtaining a PESEL number for foreigners. Our experienced and competent staff know all the nuances and requirements of the PESEL process.

Take your time and leave the process of obtaining a PESEL number to our experienced aksis agency. We will do our best to make your move and integration in Poland smooth and hassle-free.


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