+48 573 569 577

Free in Poland



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+48 573 569 577

Free in Poland




/admission to the university

Admission to the University

Studies in Poland

Approximate terms:

7-14 days introductory campaign

Estimated costs:

PLN 600-6000 per semester 150-500 PLN enrolling fee PLN 14-18 legitimation fee

Service Description:

It’s no secret that getting an education at a European university is an excellent chance to get not only a lot of useful knowledge and experience, but also an international diploma, which will allow you to successfully find a job and will be the next step on the path to cherished success! The effectiveness of European higher education has been proved by many years of practice and achieved by a revised system of education, a huge selection of specialties and teachers with extensive subject experience. In addition, student status also opens up a whole range of opportunities from discounts on travel to participation in international exchange programs, as well as employment in well-known companies within the framework of practices

Speaking about education in Europe and its distinctive qualities, you need to understand that we are talking not only about the diploma that the student will receive at the end, but also about the learning process itself, which in practice is much more important - Studying process. The study programs at the faculties of Polish universities include a smaller number of subjects with a narrower focus. This implies that the future financier will not fail the exam session due to a poor grade in the history of Ancient Russia, which in fact turns out to be the most effective strategy for training future specialists - Student life. Polish universities often offer students both dormitories to spend pleasant leisure time with classmates, and all kinds of scientific, artistic and creative clubs where young like-minded people can gather and implement their ideas - Programs and practices. Working closely with each other, European universities exchange students for cultural integration and networking. Achieving high results in studies and other activities, you can not only get a solid scholarship, but also the opportunity to go to another country for a semester, which will not only be a great adventure, but also opens up a lot of opportunities

Application to the university requires a lot of effort from the candidate, mainly related to the collection of all the necessary papers. In rare cases, individual universities may require additional certificates or translations, but most often the mandatory bundle includes such documents as: - Candidate’s passport (and, most often, its copy) - Birth certificate translated into Polish - National visa (type D) or other legalization document - Medical certificate and a list of vaccinations, also with translation (the requirements of different universities at this point may differ) - A copy of the insurance policy on the basis of which the visa was obtained, or issued by a Polish insurance company - Certificate (with a list of grades) of complete secondary education with translation and Apostille. In rare cases, they require a final exams ( ZNO / CT / USE) certificate, it also may need a translation and Apostille - Certificate that the candidate can receive higher education on the basis of a mid-school completion certificate (issued by the Ministry of Education) - Filled application form to the selected high school. The questionnaire can be downloaded from the website of the university or filled out online there. - From 3 to 5 photographs 35X45 mm that meet the requirements - Education contract in 2 copies. Signed by a custodian instead of underage candidate - Certificate of required language level or certificate of completion of relevant language courses - Confirmation of all necessary payments and contributions From the application form and personal documents to medical certificates, all documents must be submitted to the dean's office, and their order of submission is dictated by the progress of the application campaign. Thanks to our experience and channels of close cooperation with the deans of universities, you can enter the chosen institution in 3 weeks

Considering the issue of cost it is difficult to name a specific figure how much it will cost to study at a Polish university, since it depends on many factors, often not even related to each other. To make it easier to understand the topic, it is worth breaking it into several subcategories: - Payments related to the collection of documents. Since you need a lot of papers for admission and their acquiring involves not only ordering certificates but also ordering translations, which means that the price for such services will vary from region to region, not even talking about countries. For example, the price of an Apostille in Belarus in 2022 increased tenfold, while certificates from medical institutions became free in Ukraine - The cost of the education itself. In general, it is comparable to the cost of good universities in Ukraine or Belarus, but it should be kept in mind that the price is a very unreliable guideline if you are planning a budget in advance. The price for a year of study in 2022 ranges from PLN 600 to PLN 6,000 (excluding "elite" educational institutions), and when at least the direction of study is chosen, it is worth focusing on the prices offered by universities in the current year

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