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/dealer license plates in poland - what you need to know?

Dealer license plates in Poland - what you need to know?

Today, most people purchase used cars from the hands of other owners. However, dealerships and car showrooms where new cars are presented are gaining popularity. If everything is clear with the procedure of buying a regular used car, what about the dealerships?

Since such car dealerships present new cars, it is certainly that they do not yet have permanent license plates and are not registered. However, in order for a customer to test drive a new car, dealer license plates must be affixed to it. Where to get them, what do they look like and what is their advantage? All these questions can be answered in this article.


What are dealer license plates in Poland?

Despite the fact that dealerships and car showrooms sell mostly cars without mileage, they must also have license plates, namely dealer plates. Such a law began to work on July 11, 2019 and is applied practically throughout Europe. As practice shows, this is a very convenient solution for both dealership owners and buyers.

No matter what the purpose of the car in the showroom is - a demonstration version, for a test drive or waiting for its new owner, any car in such places must have green license plates. Why green? Because dealer license plates have a white background and green letters.

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Another thing to talk more about is the benefits of dealer license plates. Here's why it's convenient:

  • The dealership does not have to register each car separately. Imagine that a car dealership may have more than a hundred new cars in its possession, each of which must be registered. With the new system, you only get one license plate number and set of forms.

  • It also simplifies the test drive process. Now you just need to fill in a special form about the driver who will be driving the vehicle during the test drive and attach green license plates to the car.

Dealer (green) license plates in Poland consist of the following elements: a letter denoting the voivodship; two digits from 01 to 99, informing about the district; five characters, including a fixed letter P, which is a distinctive feature of the number intended for professional vehicle registration.


Who can get dealer license plates?

As we have already said, such numbers are intended for dealerships, car showrooms and all those who are engaged in retail sale of new vehicles. That is why the first condition for professional registration is to be an entrepreneur with a registered office in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

When the law on the requirement to have dealer license plates came into force, many car business owners started to ask the question «is it possible to get a set of dealer license plates for used cars». Unfortunately, today this option is available only for entrepreneurs who distribute new cars that have not been registered in Poland before.


How to get dealer license plates in Poland?

In order for car business owners to get a dealership license plate and a set of test drive forms, there are a few simple steps to follow:

  • Contact the local government's communications office (Wydział komunikacji). Here you can find the necessary communication office by selecting your district.

  • Make all the necessary payments. And so, you will have to pay for the headman's decision (PLN 100), a registration certificate form (PLN 10), a set of license plates (PLN 80) and a legalization sign for professional plates (PLN 12.5).

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We should also note that completed forms are valid for 30 days. What this means: If a buyer decides to test drive a car and you fill in a form, and a few days later the same person decides to do another test drive, he or she will not need a new form.

In simple words, dealership license plates will make the work of car dealerships and other entrepreneurs much easier. Moreover, it will help them save a lot of money on registering each vehicle separately. Want to implement dealer license plates in your business? Contact the professionals at aksis agency for advice and further assistance.

Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure on the professional registration of vehicles, the markings used and the fees associated with the professional registration of vehicles.

Traffic Law: Chapter 2d «Professional Vehicle Registration.»


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